Wednesday, February 4, 2009

BLAH! What I Think of Blogs!

I am not a huge fan of blogs. I don't read people's blogs either. Yet, I do see the points of blogging.

Two decade ago, common household didn't even have computers. Letters and telephones were the best ways for communication. Life appeared to be very simple. People wrote things down to keep track of things. A lot of people would buy those tiny booklets so called diary to write their journals. Then, people would express and expose their feelings and secrets in their journals and put the diary away into their dark hidden drawer. It was still a very conservative and closed society.

Suddenly, a decade ago, computers in common household became very popular. It was a new technology and a trend that you must follow. It was a new toy for everybody that was so irresistible to buy. That was the beginning of an era when Microsoft and Intel began to make tons of money. I still remember very vividly it was 1998, I started learning how to use Windows 98 at home and the very first pioneer generation of Macintosh computer at my elementary school. Things developed very quickly. People have learnt to save money and time by using computer and Internet. The world has advanced from an independent state to a global market. Communication improved as E-mails, instant messagers, and others continued to dominate the traditional methods. Majority of the people have shifted from physcially writing things down into their notebooks with their ballpoint-inked pens to typing letters into the computer monitors in front of them through the keyboards. Consequently, the emergence of blogs, Facebook, MySpace was not something unusal or unexpected. It was coming to us like the water coming down from a stream. Blogs signified a transformation for the society and its people. Blogs are replacing diaries and continue to challenge people to open up and share their individual values with rest of the world.

Hence, blogging is a method for our new generation to understand and adapt to the dramatic change and progress of society, as well as it serves to be the new way of communication. Finally, to really relate blogging back to this course, the use of blogging is like a digital journal entry, where it helps the person who inputs these entries to improve his/her writing skills.

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