Friday, May 8, 2009

Faithful in Sony

After having read what the author, Jesus Diaz, has said about SONY's glorious widget history and its current situation, I feel both corresponded and a little bit of disapprobation.

I agree with the author that Sony was a pioneer in its field for many years. It was the number one and had been a revolutionist in creating its products including, Sony Walkman, U-Matic and Beta Video, and Playstation. Yet, I don't quite agree with Diaz that Sony's design is a bland now and no longer the "world's firsts." If Diaz opinion were to be true, then that should also be applied to many other companies or giants in the field today. How come I don't see Nitendo coming out with a new game widget either, besides the Wii that everyone has been playing for a while?

The author forgets to compare Sony with many other companies out there today. During this economic crisis, it is hard to imagine companies will still have the budgets to create something ground-breaking. It's true they should, if they really want to stand out and make a profit especially during this period of time. However, reality is always hitting companies harder than they think. Plus, to a degree, the author is very subject in his view that he didn't talk about how Sony is still a pioneer in creating portable video-game widget like PSP and many other games. Moreover, Sony is still the ground-breaking company in providing better graphics with HDTV and Blue-Ray supported PS3. Lastly, the author probably didn't check out some of the Sony Ericsson phones lately because they are cool with lots of functions than expected.

Though regression is seem almost everywhere in every industry today, things will get better, at least we are not in another Great Depression. Rather than thinking gloomy, it's better to have more faith. This is only the beginning of the recession, perhaps a year down the road, Sony will come out with something crazy if it wants to save itself from this market turmoil.

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