Friday, May 8, 2009

Green Green Green: Revised Version

Did you know that according to American Forest & Paper Association (AF&PA), in year 2007, only 56% of all the paper products were recycled? For every ton of paper we use, 17 trees are cut and 50% more water is used. And a ton of paper that is used, we produce an extra 3.3 cubic yards of waste in national's landfill. But, that doesn’t mean our planet will be exploited soon because people aren’t recycling.

Luckily for many of us who are really lazy to recycle, the single-stream technology is out there to save our natural resources. The single-stream technology helps us to recycle when we throw everything into one-single container. And when these one-single containers arrive at the waste management plants, the waste will be sorted by screening devices that separate fiber waste that is needed from the others.

Amazingly, this technology allows people to put all their waste in one-single container instead of separating waste into many different containers --one for paper, one for cans, another one for plastic, etc.

Based on Waste Management Recycle America, single-stream technology has increased its company's recycled volume from a range of 30% to 100%. Yet, only 30% of WM's 105 mills use this technology because this technology is costly. Of course, that doesn’t mean this number won’t grow. Due to uprising issues in global warming and increasing participation in green movements, soon enough, further implementations will definitely occur.

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